Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tuesdays with Cletus...

This post contains graphic images!!

Cletus sprung dissection on us last night. Not because the lab made an unannounced delivery of preserved fetal pigs...uh-uh!

Meet Fluffy. He once brought joy and purpose to someone's life. Until he became gravely ill and was euthanized by Cletus. Then, she lied and said she'd bury him, threw him in a cooler in the back of her truck, and brought him to class to dissect.


This, is a baby opossum. A baby opossum orphaned by his mother, who forgot to look both ways before crossing the street. What does one do with a litter of abandoned baby opossums? Why, you put them to sleep, then throw them in the cooler in the back of the truck, and bring them to class to cut up. Along with Fluffy!


At least we didn't have to deal with the overpowering smell of formaldehyde!!


Kimmy said...

I don't like Cletus ONE BIT! This is just so mean! Poor animals. :o(

Unknown said...

Oh my! Is that even allowed? Does she not have a heart? That is GROSS!!!! Man,am I glad I'm not you!

Heidi said...

That is sick. but disecting is sooo better than cooking & eating.

Kameron said...

That is soooo illegal!!! There is a reason preserved specimens are used in dissection and it has to do with DISEASES!!! I know you use gloves and the like while dissecting (at least I hope so, but who knows with Cletus) but there is a very good chance that wild animals like opossums and raccoons carry infectious pathogens. I am really questioning where this woman got her degree, and what qualifies her to teach you anything. She's lucky I'm not her student or she might be out of a job right now!

~~Mel~~ said...

My grade 10 science teacher tried to force us to dissect frogs...I skipped that day and he failed me...loser!!! I have to say dissecting possums looks much worse.

~~Mel~~ said...

Opps Oppossums not possums lol.

Brooke said...

Yuck! Graphic pictures indeed. I would flunk the class for sure.

Alicia W. said...

Ahhh hell, there goes my dinner. Road kill was top on the list, lol.. Just kidding. I had to throw a little humor in there.

Jess said...

Yikes! Cletus went a little crazy (crazier than usual, even!)

Katrina said...

Oh how I remember those days! I don't miss them either!

Donnetta said...

Just think - if it weren't for rampant opossums - there would be no triple bypass, no liver regeneration, no kidney transplants.

Ode to the possum.

melinda said...

junior high boy wisdom:

possums are born dead in the middle of the road!

Mama SeWELL said...


Tim said...

Congratulations your blog is being shut down in 3 days, and we will be coming to your home to confiscate your computer for evidence.


LOL Cletus is unbelievable. Does she carry a gun?

heidi said...

Are you freakin KIDDING me?!?!?!

The Purnell Family said...

I am dying laughing! For anyone reading this and thinking I'm a mean person, I'm not. I was just in class with her when we had to do this "fun" assignment. :)Poor cletus.