Tuesday, April 7, 2009


When The One Who Knows Everything gets in trouble at school...it's shame on him!!

Later in the week, when The One Who Gets Away With Murder gets in trouble at school...it's shame on him, AND shame on the cosmos for giving me two little brats to deal with.

Then, when very soon after the first two do, The One Who Doesn't Say Much lands herself in trouble at school...it's shame on me. Aaaaaand shame on the cosmos just a little, because I'm not going down alone...eh-eh. That's not how I roll!!

All three of my brood acting up at school can only mean one of two things:

1. I'm not doing my job very well at all...and my offspring are trying to tell the world, "Hey, my mom sucks...I can act like an asshole and there is nothing anyone can do about it!"


2. I've done my job extremely well, and using their above average intelligence to realize that they outnumber good ole mom and dad, they have formed a coup d'etat...and the little shits plan to take over the house.


To protect my dignity and reputation, I'm leaning toward #2.


Unknown said...

I say blame it on Spring Fever! It's just that time of year when the kids get antsy.

Rassles said...

God, your kids are friggin' adorable.

Kimmy said...

I wish I could offer words of advise but, since I only have 1 to deal with...I would have no idea where to start. Good luck with this :o)

And I sooooo love this picture!!!!

Donnetta said...

Of COURSE you need to go with #2!!! They MUST be brilliant and trying to overthrow the world!!

Jess said...

But, how can you possibly stay made at such sweet and innocent looking kids?

I'm going with number 2, as well!!

Musings of the Mrs. said...

That is the most adorable picture. They look like little devils ready to take over the house. The gleams in their eyes...

Lane said...

Some of the best kids I have are acting the fool lately. Of course, you could always go with the 'Let the Beatings Commence' approach.

Alicia W. said...

I'm totally going with #2. Your a kick ass mother and don't ever think otherwise!

Brooke said...

But look at those cute, innocent faces! They would never plan to take over the house.