Saturday, April 4, 2009

The taste of victory...

I'm playing along with Six Word Saturday this week...

To my boy...


"May they all be this sweet!!"


Carebear said...

Adorable picture and great caption! What a special moment for him - and you. I bet you're proud of that little guy!

Kimmy said...

I agree with Carebear...what a great caption!! What a great moment to remember! :o)

Donnetta said...

PERFECT shot!! And fabulous caption!

Call Me Cate said...

Thanks so much for playing! That's one of those great shots that will be around forever.

Anonymous said...

AWW! Yaya for victory!

soulbrush said...

i also love my two sons.

Melissa B. said...

Awesome! A Chicago Cubs short stop? BTW: Don't forget Sx3 tomorrow!

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Hi! I have been seeing your beautiful face popping up all over these other blogs I follow and finally, I clicked! Now, I am following and yes, I can see why he might get away with murder!!! Boys are the BOMB! Great caption!

Helene said...

Awwwww, now that's a picture that says a thousand words!!!! Isn't it awesome when you catch a moment like that on your camera???

Tim said...

That is AWESOME! And how studly does he look in that uniform?

Love and Prayers,


xxx said...


best wishes Ribbon :-)

Lane said...

Great should write for ESPN.
