Monday, April 13, 2009


We don't cuss in front of the kids. heard me right. It might surprise you, but, I control my potty mouth in front of my children. In front of you, front of the kids...most definitely!

However, some of the music we listen to is not so child friendly. Our kids are getting older though, and they know what they can and cannot say. They know what words will get their mouths washed out with soap.

We were listening to this song in the car the other day...

and had the following conversation...

This songs' lyric: It takes more than fucking someone you don't know...

The One Who Gets Away With Murder: "OOOOOOO...when I grow up, I'm gonna say the F-word and the S-word!"

Me: "Well, when you grow can say whatever you want. But, you can't when you're a kid."

The One: "Yeah, when you're 16, you can say those words."

TOWGAWM: "I can?"

The One: "Yeah, if you can drive, then you can cuss."

More lyrics: Did you really think that a fuck at half speed, you'll find your love in a hole...

TOWGAWM: "WOOHOOOOO...did you hear that? YEAH...THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!! I'm gonna say THAT word when I grow up!!"

Me: "Allright, allright...when you're 16 and NOT in front of your grandmothers, capiche??"


Kate said...

Those are some pretty sweet terms! LOL

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Our kids are finally old enough now that they repeat what we say. We're working on it.... :)

Musings of the Mrs. said...

I love saying both the F word and the S word. Yay for being a grown up!

Kimmy said...

eah, I'm not so good with keeping my potty mouth from my child however, she knows better also. We too listen to songs with such lyrics, such as Marilyn Manson's "Para-Noir" song which by the way, we quit listening to while she was around cause, well, that songs just isn't that appropriate. If you haven't heard it, you should listen to it. It's a really good

Kameron said...

I wish my hubby could watch his mouth in front of the kid. If I have so say, "come on, no f-bomb" one more time I may just snap! What song is that anyway?

Jess said...

And once again, your children have managed to brighten my day. Ha, I would just love to be a fly on the wall during one of these conversations.

And good for you for not swearing in front of them! I can imagine that may be difficult, at times.

The Davis Family said...

This will probably sound crazy, but I didn't cuss from the time I was 13 until last year. Even then it was once in a blue moon, but never anything more than damn. Then I started reading that blog and it's been the most unevangelical thing I've ever read. I had already struggled for awhile with God's relevancy in our lives. Then I started reading that and all of the thousands of comments and a hundred thousand hits and it made me feel like what I had once thought worth dying for was worth absolutely nothing. Someone could draw in a crowd based on prayer and the second things don't go the way you want you curse God and swear like a sailor.
Since then, I swear a lot. I swear because I'm angry. I swear because there's no reason not to and I swear because I used to think that not swearing was holier, but I've learned that it's not. People think swearing is much cooler.

I've read Matt Logelin's link to an article on swearing which was enlightening.

I guess I just have no reason not to anymore.

It's amazing in hindsight how long I went without those words and now I don't care.

BTW, when you linked to "aspirations" I was expecting a miriam webster link to pop up with a definition.

I love your blog - it's thought provoking. Your family seems really great!