Tuesday, March 2, 2010

30 days…

It's been over thirty days without television in our household. 

Everyone has adjusted nicely.  I haven't heard anyone whine about missing their shows in quite some time. 

We're even watching less TV online these days. 

Jake found a website that airs the Mavs games.  So, he's able to halfway keep up with that. 

The kids do watch a lot of movies, and are currently quoting "Master of Disguise," day in, and day out. 


"Become another person...become another person...become another PERson..."

I haven't even seen the movie, and I can practically quote it line for line!

We have regular game nights.  Battleship, checkers, Yahtzee, and Monopoly, top the list of our faves!

We even taught the boy how to play Texas Hold ‘Em the other night!  He’s gotta work on his poker face!


We laugh a lot…


We talk a lot.  And had a much too long for my liking, conversation about sperm, the other day!  Don’t even ask me where that topic came from…but, if I had to guess, I’d say Jack started it!

So far, I’m happy.  The kids are happy.  Jake pretends like he’s happy!  We don’t need no stinkin’ television!


Unknown said...

we need to implement this plan in my house...although if you stick my parents in the same room without a tv...eventually someone gets a shoe thrown at them.

kristin said...

That is so awesome! Wish I could do that but after 8:00 it is just me and well, I'd go batty!

Hope all is well!

Kameron said...

Now if you'd just stop sneaking Dr. P in the car you'd be golden! Ha!

Tessa said...

I love TV, but don't have it, cause it would suck my time away...even more than the computer. p.s. I'm a procrastinator, gonna get pics for my header soon.

Kimmy said...

That's awesome and I give you guess lots of kuddos cause I know I could never do it. Call me weak...lol! Or maybe just a tv-holic :o)

Donnetta said...

You go girl!!! We watch WAY too much!

S.I.F. said...

I love game nights! I would so take a game night with kiddos over a TV night (as I sit here half watching my DVR'd Bachelor where I already know what the outcome is... why am I wasting my time?); you're living the dream lady!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! And, almost enough to make me wanna get rid of our tv.


Scott S. said...

It is very cool to see that you all are having a great time without thetv. I know I was against it at first (for you guys) but it looks like everyone is having a great time. AWESOME. How does Jake like new players the Mavs picked up? And how does he think they will fair in the West this year. Lakers are tough again

Candi said...

We've been without t.v. now for about two weeks. It wasn't a choice really, more like didn't pay the bill & really haven't gotten around to it yet. I'm really digging it actually. But I have to say the first week without it was REALLY weird. It was like I was sad and lonely. Probably from missing all my t.v. friends, but the longer we go the more I couldn't care less, I'm sure my children would disagree.

Laura said...

That is such a fun idea! I wish my parents would have thought about having more family nights. Your children are blessed!!!

Anonymous said...

We were building our house this time last year. We sold the one we were in and had to move into a rental until this one was finished. We never hooked up the cable or even got an antenae when we moved. We moved into this house and just never got around to getting it hooked up. I don't think anyone misses it.
Though, we hardly ever know what's going on in the world. But, we don't really mind that either.
We wonder why we wasted so much time in front of it.
It is sitting in the den and collecting dust. We watch a movie now and then, not ready to get rid of it all together.