Sunday, February 28, 2010

Knocked up…


I mean…I’m not knocked up.

It’s hard to get that way without a uterus.

Those little boogers just don’t have a place to hang their hats!

That doesn’t keep Jake from trying, though. 


In our case, it won’t pay off…but, the process is fun!

My best friend from high school is knocked up for the first time. 

My neighbor’s knocked up. 

Some good friends of our family…she’s knocked up.

Heidi's knocked up.

I have three cousins who’re knocked up.

Today, I found out that my SIL is knocked up! 

It was a cold ass winter! 

It seems as though people were bumpin’ uglies to keep warm!! 


Momof3inVA said...

Haha, yes it was certainly a 'cold ass winter!'

I wish everyone well on their pregnancies!

Donnetta said...

Even with no uterus - DON'T DRINK THE WATER!! With all those preggos, the water may be potent enough to make your uterus grow back!

Brooke said...

What? You forgot to add my name to the knocked up list? :)

Stacey said...

They always say most babies are born in August.

Allie said...

I have TEN friends preggers. Did you catch that double digit babyshowers in my future? I'll have to go to Wells Fargo and take out a line of credit to pay for all the gifts! Geeeezzzzzz.

S.I.F. said...

It is seriously in the water... I just wish I could figure out what water they are drinking! :)

Tina said...

Hey girl...hope all is well...


How is the puppy....his last pic looked so much better.


Scott S. said...

The best part is the trying and practicing.

Kimmy said...

LOL!! Love the way you put that....bumpin' uglies! My brother says that...LOL!!

heidi said...

LOL I was like, why are all these people coming over from Nikki's place? And now I know. Because you were talking about me bumpin uglies. Ob wishes we were still bumpin uglies. Now the only time our uglies bump is by accident while we're sleeping or hugging. Poor Rob. Poor Rob's uglies.

heidi said...

Oh, and? It wasn't water we were drinkin. *wink*

Helene said...

My heart skipped a beat when I saw the title of this post!

Well, I guess we know how they all managed to get through a cold, blustery winter. That's probably why there's a huge boom of babies born in the summer!

Windthicket Fables said...

well, hopefully you'll have one more (bloggy) friend who'll be knocked up soon! (Me, in case you're wondering.)

Mindi said...

Hallelujah my tubes are tied!!! :)