Friday, February 12, 2010

12 inches…



It’s beautiful, and amazing, and FRICKIN’ cold!! 

The kids are having a blast!  Yesterday, it was snowing too hard to get good pics, so we’re going back out today for more!






A foot of snow in Texas!!!

Hell must be freezing over!!

Have a good weekend, ya’ll!!


Scott S. said...

Man this really pisses me the f- off. I mean I am so happy for you and the kids that you guys got snow but shit, for the love of Frosty the f-ing Snowman can we here in ga. please get some.

I saw you posted 12 inches and thought "oh shit, she's bragging about Jake again" making us other guys look bad

Kimmy said...

WOW! That truly is amazing!! Gorgeous pics :o)

kristin said...

That is awesome - we just got cold and rain down this way!

Looks like fun!

Kaolinmommy said...

YAY! I love snow! Now we're getting a little bit of what came through that way- not nearly as much, but we'll still take what we can get. Have fun!

The Mullins Life... said...

Here in GA we are getting 1-3 inches, That makes us very happy. Scott Lmao

Momof3inVA said...

Wow! It snowed about an inch when I lived in Houston for about a year (when I was 10)...and I thought that was amazing! I swore I 'brought' the snow to Tx from Va! Ha!

Enjoy your snow!

Bridget said...

It looks like it was lots of fun! We got 3 inches here (it's gone already) but I did get a picture of it though!

S.I.F. said...

I love that everyone else is getting snow too! I am still excited when we get a new snow fall... which is kind of silly since it happens for 7 straight months a year!

Tina said...


It's crazy.............the kids are lovin' it. The dogs are hating, I think is it is pretty but I hate the mess!!

How's your business going? We are talking about getting with you in the spring and doing another photoshoot...Kennedi is olderand I think we may have better luck with her....I'll let you know!


Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it