Thursday, March 18, 2010


If you don’t give a boy something to do…he’ll find something to do! 

I looked up from the sale rack, to find this…



Kate said...

OMG I freakin love that! They look so real...or should I say really fake? Nice work, boys! :)

Scott S. said...


The runway is next you know that right?

Mindi said...

hahhaha! Hey, CK undie models make a ton o' money!! :)

heidi said...

You know Old Navy is having a contest for the next Supermodelquin? They're shoo ins!

Jayme said...

LMAO the are awesome! I love it!

Stacey said...

Put 'em to work!

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

This is hilarious!!!!!! :)

Kameron said...

Um, when I first clicked on your blog from my reader, my work internet said "Access denied, adult content". How well do they know you!? HA!

The boys are hilarious. You are in for some insane teenage moments. I have a feling!

Anonymous said...

Rockstars. Love it! Your kids crack me up.

Rassles said...

If I had kids, I hope they'd do stuff like that.