Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fun with Facial Hair…

Not mine. 

I don’t have facial hair.



He thinks it’s fun and hilarious to go into the bathroom with one facial hairdo, and come out with another.  Seriously, when I hear the buzz of the clippers, I never know what he’s gonna look like, when he comes out.

In the spirit of the season, last week, he came out with an Irish-y type of beard.  I don’t know if it’s Irish, but, the leprechauns sport it.  In fact, when he first came out with his new do…he looked not unlike this…




Here’s a recent pic of us at SXSW, and Jake sporting his new, fresh, Amish/Irish, bald lipped look…


Funny thing…he forgot about his “fun with facial hair” day that he’d had, and last week, he went to renew his drivers license!  Do you know what that means??  It means that for the next TEN EFFING YEARS…he’s gonna look like a leprechaun on his DL photo!!


kristi said...

Personally I think beards are hawt!

Stacey said...

HAHAHA Thats what he gets!

Kate said...

bahahahahaha that'll teach 'em :)

S.I.F. said...

AMAZING! I love it! Happy drivers license photo day! HA!

Kameron said...

That is awful! I hate when I forget about the DMV and end up with a crappy picture. At least it's a conversation piece!

Scott S. said...

The man looks good with the new shave do. Gotta change it up every now and then.

Kimmy said...

LOL! I have such a hard time when my husband sports the beard. I can not stand it! I love the goatee on him the best. SEXY!

Funny about the DL. You'll have to give him a hard time about that.....for the next 10 years..LOL!

heidi said...

I have to tell you, I thought FOR SURE you were gonna show us a pic of him with that stache down around the nipples look we talked about. I think the Leprechaun look is MUCH better than that one.

I should post my DL photo. I was 9 months pg with B and the chick took the picture just as Corban was running across the way and THROWING himself at me. So, I look fat and surprised in my DL photo. But, yk, I guess that's how I'll look when I get pulled over so it'll be accurate.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! It is a little weird and exciting to see you sans pink fro! LOL

Jes said...

Lol that is too funny :) When he gets his DL in the mail you should scan it and post it, that I would like to see :)