Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bloody Wednesday…

Looks like somebody got their ass kicked in their dreams last night!!!


The boy inherited the leaky nasal blood vessels of his father.  Waking up like this…is a common occurrence in our house!  For the boy anyway.  Jake has outgrown it.  The boy, on the other hand…let’s just say, if you sprayed a little luminol in his bedroom, it would light up like the Las Vegas strip!!!


Kameron said...

And now it's been recorded for posterity!

kristi said...

We have frequent nosebleeds too..or our son does. I told Hubs if there ever was an investigation, it would look like a straight up murder scene.

Scott S. said...

Fight Club 2. Now starring Jack as the younger Brad Pitt.

That used to happen to me all the time too when I was younger.

kristin said...

No bueno! I think the first time that happened it would freak me the "F" out.

Doesn't look like he is too thrilled for you to be taking a picture.

Good times!

ALI said...

Ohmigosh! Can they do anything (other than outgrow it) to help?

Must make sleep overs a nightmare for him....

At least he seems to be a good sport about it, letting you take pictures and all...

Momof3inVA said...

Oh my, Victoria has had her nose cotorized (sp?????) like 3 times...she gets nosebleeds all the time!!

He looks pretty calm about it though...I think they get used to it!

Jes said...

Have you tried a humidifier? Those help sometimes so that his nasal passages don't get so dried out.

Donnetta said...

Yowser. NOT a pleasant morning wake up call.

Margaret said...

Wow that is crazy. I have never seen that before.

Stacey said...

Was he fighting with Freddy Krueger? Poor kid. My son got a nose bleed the other day. It came out of no where.

Kimmy said...

Oh no! Poor kid. My husband is the same way, except he doesn't wake up with it. He'll be going about his business and just feel it come one and when it does, it's like a slightly turned on faucet.

*Jess* said...

That was me as a kid! Mine was related to allergies.

MPdaCNA said...

Count me in this group as well ... the other night we were ...well, *ahem* yeah, that ... and the pressure caused my nose to start bleeding ... talk about a buzzkill!

Katrina said...

The most common reason for bloody noses, after nose picking of course, is dry nasal skin. Have him take a pea sized drop of KY Jelly and inhale it into each nostril twice a day! It will cure it I promise! My patients always look at me like I am insane when I recommend this, but they all swear by it now! Don't use vaseline, it isn't water soluble!

Anonymous said...

Poor thing! I had frequent nighttime nosebleeds as a kid. Sucked. But, I outgrew it. So far so good with our kids. We shall see...

Anonymous said...

Hey, I tagged you in a game on my blog! Check it!

S.I.F. said...

I love that you said "Hey, wait right there and let me take a picture of you before I get you cleaned up!" Ha! Poor kid! My friends little boy is plagued by middle of the night bloody noses too. Actually, he gets them all the time, but the middle of the night ones are the worst because he's not awake to say "blood" before it gets too out of hand. He is only 3, but he is alread an expert and putting his head back and waiting them out...

Kaira said...

We have a bleeder too and I've thought about what our house would look like with those crime scene lights. The mattresses and bedding are shot! Some of the nose bleeds Christian has are like a blood bath.