Thursday, September 17, 2009

Here's your sign...

If, after being told he can only have a new puppy when our current dog dies, your child says, "So, if Tucker dies tonight, we can get a new puppy?" Then, proceeds to lean over and slyly whisper in his brother's ear...

you miiiiiiight be raising a serial killer!

And the dog may need a bodyguard.


Heidi said...

Ha haha ha. I soo needed that. Can I hire the boys for a cat?

Kameron said...

Seriously, my cat needs offing too. I'll buy them a damn dog if they get rid of her!

Kimmy said...

LOL...Did he really say that??? Too funny!!

Maggy said...

How funny are kids??? God, they kill me!

Katie said...

I found your blog by searching for anti-mckmama, and I am so glad that I stumbled upon you! You are truly halarious and its inspiring for me (you know, education on hold to raise a kid thing) to see a mom who's made it back!

Its nice to read a blog written by a mom who's REAL!

Katie said...

You have some very smart kids ;0