Tuesday, June 9, 2009


My nephew was 9 months old when he was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.

I guess it's a good thing, in a way...he doesn't know any other way of life. He knows nothing other than checking sugars and counting carbs...planning meals and watching the clock...measuring insulin and multiple daily injections. It's routine for him...and his mom.

He's 9 now, and keeping a handle on the blood sugars of a growing boy is far from routine...for anyone. He might sneak a snack and his sugar may skyrocket. He might play a rigorous game of touch football in the yard...and his sugar may plummet. The good thing about him being a growing boy, is that he knows his body now. He knows what he needs and he lets us know. Often, he just takes care of it himself.

Except at night.

He inherited the "sleep like a goddamn hibernating bear" gene from my husbands side of the family. Jake and his sister...the boys' mom...can fall asleep mid-sentence. And sleep through a flippin' hurricane. Now, the hurricane thing is speculation, but, falling asleep mid-sentence, mid-conversation...I've witnessed that myself. Both of them!! It's incredible.

For me to fall asleep, it has to be dark, and quiet, and cold, with warm blankets, Jake must be present, with all the external doors locked, bedroom door closed, freshly emptied bladder, ear plugs in place, pillow between my legs, one behind my back, Venus must align with Jupiter, and goddamn Halley's Comet must pass the Earth's orbit. Then...and only then...will Mr. Sandman will bring my ass a dream!!

Not this kid...like his mother and his uncle, he's damn-near comatose if he stands still for just a few minutes. Not a problem for a typical kid. But, it can be a problem when that kid has Type 1 Diabetes...and has been in a WWE Smackdown with his cousins...and didn't eat much of a snack before bed. His sugar drops fast...and if we don't check it through the night...he might quite literally become comatose.

So, just now, as Venus was eclipsing Jupiter...I thought I'd check the kid before my big moment. His sugar was low...very low. The protocol is to get this comatose-like, hibernating kid...who's very near to a very scary-as-shit, real-life coma...to wake up and drink some juice. Ya know...before his brain starts shutting down his bodies' organ systems, in order to protect itself.

The juice went down, but Halley's Comet has fucking passed by...and I will now have to wait another 76 goddamn years, or something, before I'm able to sleep again.


But, he's totally worth it...


Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Bless his heart. I worked for years as a counselor at a diabetic camp. Middle of the night wakings were common for us as we checked the kids to make sure they weren't low. It is scary to think of what could happen during that deep sleep.
I'm sure he probably has heard of the camp I worked at, but let me know if you would like more info. It is an unbelievably FUN experience for a diabetic kid (and us, too!)

Leah said...

Mommy's do whatever is needed don't we. Your son is lucky to have you.

Alicia W. said...

Holy Hell! That is so scary. Thank god he has great people to take care of him and make sure his body continues to do what it's supposed to. Your a kick ass aunt for checking his sugar and giving him juice. He will so appreciate that if not already.

Tim said...

I have to echo Leah. You are a GREAT mom. Of course you already knew that. Your also a GREAT aunt as well.


Kameron said...

That is scary. My friend ended up on an insulin pump (I think that's what it was called) taht actually monitored her sugar and administered her insulin not in shot form. That might be a good option for a kid his age if he is having problems regulating his sugar.

On a lighter note... I, like your hubby, can fall asleep just about anywhere. I used to take naps on a concrete bench at college with my backpack under my head and my pager (shit that just dated me didn't it) alarm set to wake me up beofre my next class.

Musings of the Mrs. said...

So scary! That would scare the sleep right out of me too. Although next time, I might send my husband who can sleep through tornados if I was on the threshold of my one sleep per week. At least you know he will fall right back to sleep. I hope you make it through the day!

Tina said...

Bless him....

Such a cute picture and he looks sweet.

Unknown said...

Your nephew sure is lucky to have an Aunt that is going to be a nurse! I'm not sure I could do that, I think that would have to be my husbands job! Needles freak me out! I don't like them and to have to stick someone else, I could never bring myself to do it.

Helene said...

Wow, that is super scary how fast things can get hairy, right? He looks so sweet while he's sleeping...so definitely worth those sleepless nights!

Shelly said...

I watch a 9 year old with Type 1 and know of the late night checks of sugar.. The thing that stinks for the kid I know is he also has Celiac Disease so not only does he carb count but no wheat either.. not an easy task for a 9 year old. He was diagnosed at age 7 so not quite as early as your nephew.