Tuesday, June 30, 2009

By god, there will be pictures...

I haven't been posting a lot lately.

I'm finishing up my first summer course, Microbiology, and I have been buried in my books. I need kick ass grades on my last lecture and lab test to pull off my A. It's gonna be a tight race...but, I got this!!

Plus...I'm working on a SUPER SECRET project right now. I can't tell you about it, yet, because then, I'd have to kill you. That's not cool...so, I'll just keep it under wraps, for now!

While there isn't a lot of time for words, BY GOD THERE WILL BE PICTURES!

I mentioned last week that we were given Jonas Brother's tickets by our good friends...and I'm FINALLY getting around to posting about it!!

Jake and Lily went on a date to see the boy band. Jake was a little overwhelmed by droves of high pitched squeals of pre-pubescent girls. His eyes were as big as saucers when he came home. But, he and Lily had a great time. He did me proud and took some killer pictures...

This is Jake's "I can't believe I agreed to go to a boy band concert" face...


This is two of Jake's three favorite girls, Lily and the new Cowboys Stadium...


My girl at her first concert...


I asked Lily if she screamed at the concert...she said, "NO..."


"...But, Dad did!!"


On the way home...


Which, is, ironically, EXACTLY what I look like on the way home from concerts!!!

My little girl had a blast! I don't think she'll EVER forget it!

This kinda shit melts my heart!!


Alicia W. said...

Damn it man! I spoke too soon.

Forgive me? :)

I know you will. Your Jake just got MAJOR and I mean MAJOR brownie points from your blogger friends. Who does this kinda shit.. Jake does!! No f'n way Barrett would be caught dead at a Jonas brothers concert. He would just hire someone to take her. Douche!

The pictures were great and I'm glad they had a "screaming" good time. :o)

Thanks for the post - I was about to go through withdrawls.

Swirl Girl said...

Here from TMVM's place -

My daughter would totally squeal to see the joBros.

Kimmy said...

Aww!! That's awesome! My hubby and I are actually taking our daughter to see Miley Cyrus in Sept. Can't wait for that one!
Congrats to your daughter's first concert!! My daughter's first concert was non other than........OZZY!!! LOL

Mama SeWELL said...

Way to go Dad!

My hubby & I took his daughter to see Hannah M. & The Jonas Bros. and all I can say is you got one helluva man to do it alone! I witnessed the scene of thousands of squelching tween girls, and it wasnt pretty! It was her first concert also.
Pictures too, every once in awhile they pull off some amazing tasks!

Love the picture of her passed out in the backseat, she didnt have fun at all!

Rassles said...

Obviously, your husband is someone with infinite patience and acceptance. He is also a silly little girl.

hsdiva1 said...
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MagpieMoon said...

OMG, Nikki -- I just stumbled upon your blog yesterday and I have to tell you -- I EFFIN' love it! You are hysterical! I will be a follower for sure.

BTW, your kids are adorable and your husband gets MAJOR props for taking your daughter to see Jonas Brothers. I can't even imagine what he wanted in return for that little favor! :lol:

Kameron said...

Did I guilt you into posting? Ha! Just miss your smiling, snarky face around these parts is all. That made no sense but you get it! Jake is the man for doing that. I'm pretty sure he was the only dad that took his daughter without a mom figure present! Brave, brave soul. I can only imagine it was something like the NKOTB concert I went to in the 6th grade. Yikes. Is he deaf now?

heidi said...

Jake is da man. You hear me Jake? You da man. DA man. I even forgive you for not havin' Nikki's back (literally) at that one show where she got beat down? (maybe some exaggeration on my part there) I forgiv eyou now. So, yk, sleep better since I knew it was costin' ya some winks.

Darling Nikki - yer killin me with the Supa Secret Shiznit.

Jess said...

Haha!! I love it. Those are just way too cute!!

And good luck on kicking ass on your final!! I know you will do awesome!