Friday, March 6, 2009

Speaking of tweezers...

A recent event inspired this little limerick for ya...

There once was a mom with a son,
who put things in his nose for fun.
"I lost it," he cried.
She grabbed the tweezers and sighed,
"Now show me which nostril...which one?"


This one is titled, Quit Stickin' Shit Up Your Nose!!


Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

I hope whatever it is came out as easy as it went in! Love how you captured the moment with your camera. Great limerick! :)

All Things Family said...

that is TOO funny! My mom has already warned me to watch our son for that...evidently I stuck things up my well as snacked on dog logs from the yard (gag) I'd rather him breathe in a marble than eat poop!

Mama SeWELL said...

What was up there anyways? Thats funny, my lil cuz stuck the tiny round sweet tarts up his nose and he was hopping around like crazy becuase of the sour. I hope he learned his lesson.

Jackson said...

was this recently? what did he stick up his nose?? i think kell and i use to do stupid stuff like this...i think we might have stuck crayons or bits of a screen door up EACH OTHER'S NOSES! HOW STUPID!

heidi said...

Bahahahahahahahahah *gasp* hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

What was it?

I once stuck a pea up my cousin's nose and when THAT failed to impress I went with a marble. Not that I was a bully or anything...she was just really passive. Just sayin'.

Tatman said...

Owweee! Someday when he gets his nose pierced he won't have that problem. lol

Carolee Hollenback said...

I had a piece of sponge stuck in my nose when I was a kid- did I think it would catch the snot?

My brother had to have turkey & comics removed from his nose. Just what is the fasination with our nostrils?

~~Mel~~ said...

Oh boy! Thankfully my little guy has never done anything like that lol.

Kameron said...

My kid would probably jam things up someone else's nose! I have a feeling I will be wielding tweezers sooner or later!

Khadra said...

ahhh I know this one well. In fact we had to actually schedule surgery to get a polly pocket shoe out of my daughter's nose.

Fun times!