Friday, March 13, 2009


Driving down the road with The One Who Gets Away With Murder yesterday...he and I had the following conversation:

Him: Mom, what are those things called that are wiping the rain away?

Me: Windshield wipers.

Him: Winsee wipers?

Me: No...WIND.SHEEELD wipers.

Him: Wind SHELL wipers?

Me: No...listen. WIND.SHEEL.D wipers.

Him: Mom, I can't understand you. Spell it.

Me: can't read.

If it's true that you get smarter with age...then this guy needs to live to at least 100...because he's got a lot to learn!!! Bless his heart!!


Tatman said...

Too funny. He'll learn.

Jess said...

Haha, as always your children's comments have made me laugh out loud. I think he's going to be a good looking fellow if he grows up, so maybe he can just get by on his looks if everything else doesn't work out. (Haha!)

Carma Sez said...

wanted to say "hi" and welcome you to SITS and also thank you for visiting my blog :D
Hope you enjoyed the Spring Fling!

Kimmy said...

Kids say the darndest things, don't they?! Too cute!

Musings of the Mrs. said...

That is so funny. I love posts about kid conversations. Particularly since I don't have my own to enjoy.

Kameron said...

Iknow you said you have an accent, but since the kid has grown up with you, you'd think he'd get it!!

Mrs. Jelly Belly said...

"Dude, you can't read" made me LOL - cute story!

Dropping by to welcome you to SITS - so glad to have you join us!

Carebear said...

LOL, hilarious. And I needed that laugh to wipe the tears that have been falling since I read your beautifully moving story about your Grandfather and Joel over at Fort Thompson. Thank you for sharing - you really touched me.

Tim said...

Dude, kids are so funny!


Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

'Can you spell it?' How funny! :)

Ann On and On... said...

Soooo sweet. Teaching and learning- what a challenge.

I'm here to welcome you to SITS. It is a great blog that opens the door to a world of new friends. Have fun.

I am hosting a giveaway...check it out if you have the time.

Have a great weekend!!!

Lane said...

Geez, that's too damn funny. said...

Came by your blog for a good laugh and you did not fail me. Ha!


Mamarazzi said...

fantastic story!!

love love love your header...hilarious!!

OH, I am also stopping by to introduce myself and welcome you to the SITStahood. You are going to love this wonderful community of women.

You might consider following my blog…I host a monthly drawing for fun prizes EXCLUSIVELY from my list of followers. No need to check in every day (though ya might want to, and I would love that) just follow…pretty cool right?

AND come enter my FABULOUS giveaway too…so much fun stuff happening in the SITStahood.

I’m L-O-V-I-N-G it!!

Tamara Dawn said...

LOL hey I found your blog through SITS and wanted to Welcome you to the SITStahood!

Rhea said...

What a cute conversation! I love it.

I've with the SITS Welcome Wagon. I've been following SITS for around nine months now, and I've read so many fun blogs, met so many amazing women, and really enjoyed the supportive female-blogger community. So, welcome SITSta, glad you've joined us!