Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Post it Note Tuesday...


Kameron said...

I'm hoping this was Avery and not Jack!! I can't wait for the ooodles of embarassment I will undoubtedly get when Nate goes to school.

Margaret said...

Yep I agree it isn't fair if you can't say it!

Kimmy said...

LOL!! The things that come out of your kiddos...hey, it give you something to blog about and lots of entertainment for us..LOL!

Nikki B. said...

kam - of course it was JACK!! my future (and present) fuck-sayer!

margaret - right??!!

kimmy - he's 6!! SIX!!!!! what the hell is he gonna be doing at 16?!?

Scott S. said...


Nailed it right on the fuckin head.

At 16, maybe he will have daddy's porn stache.

heidi said...

Ooooh!! Naughty Naughty!

Anonymous said...

I'll bet he gave you the ol' "I learned it from you!" bit, didn't he?

But really, these kids he's calling that, are they? Cuz, you know, maybe he's got a point? Just sayin.