My baby cousin is getting married.
I took her engagement pictures this weekend. As I was going through them, one by one, and editing them…I got a little verklempt.
As I flipped through these pics…
of my gorgeous cousin, her handsome man…and the love between them…
I couldn’t help, but picture this…
Me, holding that baby girl for the first time. My aunt had to kick the nine year old me out of her hospital room the night my cousin and her twin sister were born, because visiting hours were over, but, I wouldn’t put her down!
*Not a word about the mullet!!! This is a sentimental post about my baby cousin…NOT about my rad…”way radder than Billy Ray, any day” hair!!*
This baby girl (on the right)…
who, in my mind, should still be toddling around, with her paci and her “Puff." In no way, should she be a grown ass woman…about to get married!
Alas…she is, which translates to…I’M OLD!
Super way to present that, Nikki -- super walk down memory lane!
Congrats to your cousin! But seriously that mullet is priceless!
You know Nikki, aside from all the jokes and comments and funny talk and shit, you really take very nice pictures.
With that said I am glad Jake showed you how to use the camera.
I never knew you were a huge Davey Crocket fan?
i've already commented on the mullet in a previous post, so I'll leave it alone this time! Ha! Great shots. Do you do a lot of editing on your pictures or are you just way freaking better at using light than me? ugh i suck!
Sweet pics
anonymous cousin, maybe? - thanks!!
erin - it's a doozy!!
scott - davey crockett, huh? yeah...i was wearing a coon-skin hat...yeah...that's the ticket!!
kam - thanks! i do post processing, adjusting the color curves, brightness, contrast, and saturation. i am learning, though, how to use light! aaaaand...i got the nifty little 50mm f/1.4 prime lens...THAT I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVELVOE!!! that lower f stop lets in all kinds of light you didn't know was there!!!
OMG! The mullet! LOVE IT! Your pics are good too :)
What a great memory - and you are not old!
Those are some wonderful engagement pictures. You did a great job!
(I will not say anything about the hair I will not say anything about the hair I will not say anything about the hair)
Sorry, just had to get a little self talking out. Seriously though lady, beautiful pics! I am super impressed.
Especially by your mullet!
was totally going to comment on the mullet, busted a gut at your warning not to! lol.
Beautiful couple, nice pics!
Ok and 1 more thang, if you ever call my boys pretty again, so help me we are gonna have us a bloggy war. Cute is one thing...but PRETTY...No dad want's their boys called pretty.
Come on girl...
Your friend,
Will U. Suckminuts
1. That first picture is awesome.
2. Your kids look exactly like you. Which is, of course, adorable.
Oh, I wish I had an Oscar Meyer Mullet...
Love the last pic of the happy couple!
Didnt realize you were such a fan of Joe Dirt
Beautiful photos! Congrats to the happy couple. I loved the one of you in the hospital too. No comment on the hair . . . but it's hard. ;) Of course, I'd then have to show you a picture of mine, and that's a scary thought . . .
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