Friday, January 29, 2010

Shake shake…shake shake…shaaaaake it…

Awwwwww snap!

I couldn’t resist.  I laughed more this week than I have in a long time over this thing…so, I bought one. 

shake weight

I’m starting up a Bunco group for some friends in my neighborhood.  Our first game is tonight.  One of those lucky bitches will be able to shake her way to flabless arms…WITHOUT assistance from her man friend, or husband! 

I’m so excited.  Whoever wins this little gem, I’m gonna beg them to let me video them demonstrate it. 


Jess said...

I love that you bought it!!!

Tracy said...

Some lady is going to be happy going home with that.I wish I lived close to you.

But her husband may not be so happy...

Kimmy said...

Niiiiice! Can't wait to see the video demo!! LOL

Scott S. said...

As a husband I am a little worried that wives may use this and either forget about us, or their grips might get to strong and tight and rip our junk off.

Ladies use this with caution.

Now everyone knows how tv time will be replaced.
Like the Cars once sang "Shake it up"

Heidi said...

This Daddy.....hahhahahahaa! Beware of our upper arm strength.

Nikki, I sooo want to be in your bunko group!

Kameron said...

That commercial always makes me laugh!Oh and so do uyou, Miss "without your man friend"! Ha!

Allie said...

Well I hope I win it tonight! I gots no mans....and my upper arms could use a workout!

Eyeglasses & Endzones said... totally sank into the whole thing...exactly what the SHAKE WEIGHT people wanted and this is how they make millions!!! ;)

The Rat's Ass Girls said...

now, you know your Mom has that "ARM" problem, so maybe she needs a shaker for my birthday -- and who knows, there may be other uses to be discovered!!!??? Who got it? Get on with the video -- we are all waiting!

Laura@The Oily Cupboard said...

ha ha i just saw this on tv and then stumbled upon ur blog! what are the odds! truly meant to be! ha ha
someone's got to use this thing and see if you can really shake it off! ;o)

momma23 said...

Oh how I wish I lived closer to you, I'd love to be in that group!