Friday, January 15, 2010

Dancin' Machine...

He spun around...

Took it down to the ground...

He dosido'ed...

And cotton-eyed-joe'd...

And it damn-near killed him!

Way to shake ya money makah, son!


Kimmy said...

Looks like he was having fun too!! Does he still think it was stupid? lol

Stacey said...


Scott S. said...

That is how Justin Timberlake got his start

Heidi said...

And I am sure the ENTIRE family was happier for it! Glad that one's over.. now get you a big box of wine!

heidi said...

Shake it, but don't break it, it took yo mama 9 months to make it..

Bridget said...

Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Oh, the poor dear. I'm sure he's scarred for life.

Waiting for the class cow tippin' pics!

kristin said...

Good times! Takes me back to when we did this, but we had to dress the part too. I'm sure he will thank you for these pictures later :)

Kameron said...

You had to go down there to make him do it?? Hahaha!!