I just saw a commercial for this little gadget...and literally, almost choked on my crackers!!
Seriously...the funniest thing, that's not trying to be funny...that I have EVER EVER EVER seen!
And OMG! they have one for men, and this infomercial is EVEN FUNNIER!
Check out the black dude that makes his "O" face while he's shake weighting...
This explains why the arms of men are toned, and sculpted, and flabless!
They have a built in "Shake Weight" hidden in their trousers!!
LMAO!!!Who neeeds to spend money on that when you have a man.I am sure he would let me tone my arms anytime I wanted to!!!hahaha
Laura, I am telling. Ladies..come one come all to my in home arm toner special..This week only 2 arms toned for the price of 1
Scott you are a perv!!!
LMAO!!! That is too friggen hilarious. And not only that but the comments to go with it. Thank you for this!! LOL
I actually laughed out loud. Seriously. My kids are eating diner and looking at me like I am nuts.
Their ad should be "cum on folks lets jerk off the pounds!"
Oh your gonna die because I have a friend who bought this thing and guess what...I TRIED IT..I TRIED IT AND IT WORKS. I am an AVID work out person, I lift a ton 3-4 days per week...I will admit that this is not a great advertisement and that heck to the yeah it is funnnnnnyyyy but surprisingly for lamo-s it works!!! ;) And Scotty, Im tellin ya...your 2 for one special isn't really all that special!!! ;)
I saw it for sale at Walmart yesterday!
This was on Ellen one time. It's hilarious!! Hilarious!!
Is it wrong that I totally want to try it out, though?
I SWEAR...this thing made my frickin' day!! i haven't laughed this hard in ages!!
jessica - i'm having a bunco party at my house...and now i know what third place is getting!!
ellen said, "this thing works muscles i have never used in my life!!" HILARIOUS!
OMGosh! These comments are just as funny as the commercials!!
I loved the group orgy at the end when all the guys are together. My husband said he doesn't understand why he needs to buy one.
OMG - I saw this at Walmart yesterday and wondered how it worked by shaking it! Now it's even funnier!
Can you imagine all the creators sitting around the boardroom table trying to convince marketing people to make this commercial? Too funny. Be sure and go to you tube and watch the clip from ELLEN making fun of it. Hilarious!!
well since I couldn't get this to come up yesterday I googled it.
OH MY! I personally like this remix alot better-
Yeah I saw Ellen, she really doesn't need this. Lucky girl!
Actually I don't think I need to waste the $19.95 either. I get plenty of that type of exercise.
jusat sayin'.
Oh Scotty- how come your arms aren't that toned? I think YOU need to exercise more. :)
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