Friday, June 11, 2010


We got midieval on Lily’s ass, and had a torture device installed…

We turn a crank, twice a day…her palate expands, making room for her teeth.  Sounds painful, and torturous, and like a notsofun way to spend a summer, huh?!?


Holly Renee said...

I am so glad I didn't have to get one of these ever. I think I would have freaked out. It's so worth it in the end but it does look all medieval and what not.

Jes said...

That does look awful and painful! Poor girl! What does she think about it?

Stacey said...

Don't forget to tie a string to the key! I would hate to have that in my mouth!

Scott S. said...

Tracy, cancel the trip to the Bullock house NOW.

Kids we are not going to the SAW house I mean Nikki and Jakes house

Heidi said...

Oh snap, I just shuttered when I saw that. I had that aweful device when I was a freshman. Maybe you remember my huge ass gap in my teeth for like 6 months. I swear I didn't talk that entire time. And my mom even cried when she had to turn the crank on that thing. It's a bitch, give the girl whatever she wants.

Kameron said...

That looks like the most painful thing after childbirth! Poor Lil!

Alicia W. said...

That will teach her to talk back to the Queen!