Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Super Star…

The One Who Doesn’t Say Much…blew me away, today. 

This time last year, Lily watched the school’s Talent Show.  She watched the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders, show off their stuff, for the whole school.  She came home from school that day, about a year ago, telling me that she was going to try out for the Talent sShow, the very next year. 

I encouraged my baby girl, but, didn’t think too much of it.  After all, I don’t call her The One Who Doesn’t Say Much, for nothing.

Periodically, over the past twelve months, she would announce that the song that was playing on the radio, would be the one she would perform for the Talent Show.  I always shared her excitement, but, I have to admit, I didn’t believe that she would have it in her.     

A few days ago, Lily had me sign the permission slip, for her to stay after school, and try out for the big show.  I signed, and made her a CD, of the song, that she wanted to sing…SOLO, I might add!  I asked her if she wanted to recruit some of her friends to take the stage with her, to take some of the pressure off…she said, “Nah, Mom…if someone is up there with me…they’ll just mess it up!  I wanna do it by myself.” 

And do it by herself…she did!!! 

My little girl, who still looks like this, in my mind’s eye…


sang a Miley Cyrus song today, for a panel of judges.  And if it has been relayed to me correctly…she will be singing, while her best friend dances (since both of their acts were to Miley songs, they combined them, so they could both participate, since only a handful receive the privilege), to a Miley Cyrus’, “Party in the USA,” at next week’s Talent Show!!

She’s a super star, in my eyes…and I may just have to change her nickname on my sidebar, to, “The One Who Does the Shit She Says She’s Gonna Do!”  Or, “The One With Chick-balls!”


Stacey said...

Good for her! I could never do that! I forgot you even had a girl.

Bridget said...


Jackson said...

i would LOVE to see that!! GOOD FOR HER!!

Wendy said...

"The One With Chick-balls" made me laugh and laugh! Way to go Lily!! Isn't it so special when kids step out of their comfort zone and really surprise us?

Scott S. said...

Very Nice. I guess she get the talent from her dad. It is such a good feeling when our kids do something great. And she probably felt so good about herself too.

Don't go with Chick-Balls please.

heidi said...

Woohooo!!! Good luck to her. :-)

Candi said...

We'll all be waiting for the video!!

Kameron said...

Yes, I agree you should video it and put it up on here so we can all be proud! I agree with the hubbs, don't go with Chick-balls.

Kaolinmommy said...

Wow! Good for her!

And that picture- ADORABLE!