Tuesday, January 18, 2011


The new pup has adapted well, and he’s one of the family now.  He fits right in.  He’s not near as “alpha-dog” as Tucker the Fucker was, and is a bit more obedient.  For now, anyway. 

Our biggest struggle with Tucker and the thing that led to his disappearance, was his disregard for boundaries.  He would bolt out of the front door, and no one could catch him.  And the mistake we made with him, was allowing all the neighborhood kids to chase him.  Tucker thought it was a fun game to run the streets, and watch the idiotic bipeds try to capture him. 

Jobin Todd (yes, we gave him a fancy middle name, too) isn’t allowed out of our front yard.  Simple verbal commands, a stern, “NO,” the snapping of our fingers, and a bit of cheese as a reward for staying in the yard, and returning inside on his own, is all we need to keep this little guy in our yard. 

Oh…and, this…


We hired a couple of well trained marksmen to maintain a perimeter while the pup is on the loose.  The guns are loaded and these guys have twitchy fingers if that mutt so much as glances at the street! 

For the record…I’m kidding.  We don’t shoot the dog.  I mean, on purpose.  We haven’t shot him.  Yet.  I mean, he may one day be shot on accident.  I don’t know.  There are no guarantees in our household that you will not be shot by an airsoft gun.  . 

Actually, there’s a pretty good chance that you will get shot, whether you have two legs, or four.  It’s just the way we roll around here.  I suggest goggles and a bullet proof vest if you come to visit. 


Stacey said...

We trained our dog to stay in the yard, too. And I laugh at the neighbors chasing theirs around the neighborhood! They have one of those dogs that stares at them until they get close and then it takes off.

Kameron said...

Do those hurt...I mean enough to keep a 3.5 year old from running out of the yard but not enough to cause damage?? Just askin...

Donnetta said...

There are not enough words to express the awesomeness of that picture. Seriously!

heidi said...

Glad the new dog i s fitting in with the crew. Love that you gave him a middle name! My cat was Bubba....but we named him The Outlaw Bubba James. LOL