Monday, August 30, 2010

We call her Charlotte…


The kids have had so much fun with this spider.  She’s right by our front door, and she’s helping us to keep the grasshoppers off of our bushes. 


The boys want to make her our pet, and they try to feed her by catching grasshoppers and throwing them into her web.  They like to watch her do her spindly thing with them, in spite of my warnings that Charlotte is doing just fine without their help, and that they are actually risking destroying her web, in their attempts to help a spider out.

The kids love her so much, I’ve thought about putting her picture up in place of The One Who Ran Away’s!


Kimmy said...

Ummmm....eeeeewwwwwww!!! I hate spiders! In fact, we are the lucky owner of many, many , many (did I say many?) Black Widows. They love our neck of the woods but I'm not in love with them. In fact, I have found one of them in MY HOUSE!!!! UGH! Oh, so with that said...I would much rather look at The One That Ran Away's picture!!!! lol

Stacey said...

Charlotte would have to mysteriously disappear from my house! Gross!

S.I.F. said...

Um, yeah... you better not tell your kids I've killed 3 of Charlottes cousins in my house this week alone!

That really is a cool looking spider though! Just not cool enough for me to want to keep it alive! ;)

Tim said...

That is a freaky looking spider! Someone ought to think about putting Charlotte to sleep. Thats what I would be instructed to do if my girls saw it.


Anonymous said...

How cute!!! Hmm... apart from the spider, that is! It looks scaaaary and big!

Nikki B. said...

but she's beautiful...and she's killing the grasshoppers that are eating our shrubs...and she's not IN our house, she's in hers, which is where i prefer spiders.

if she ventured into MY house...bitch would have to die, but, i kinda like looking at her, and i might...just might go check on her now and then!

Ashley said...

We have like 50 golden orb spiders spread all over our yard. The kids love them! Pretty soon it will get cold enough to kill them, and we'll have to start counting all the nests they left behind for next year!