Saturday, August 14, 2010

Metal mouth…

The girl had her braces put on the day before we left for vacation, and she was thrilled.  She even requested that I take pictures at the dentist office!!!


During (per her request)…

And after…Just look at how fast that gap closed up!!

And…just look at how beautiful my girl is, even with all that metal in her mouth (if I do say so myself)!!



Stacey said...

Beautiful! How did she feel once the pain kicked in?? lol

S.I.F. said...

Oh my mouth hurts just thinking of it! I had 4 years as a brace face, and it was not so much fun.

But seriously worth every single second of that torture now!

I love that she was that excited though! Let's see how she feels about them in about 6 months! ;)

Melinda said...

She's so pretty, looks like her Mom!

Ashley said...

Ditto to what SIF said!

Brooke said...

The smile in her eyes is just as pretty as the smile on her lips! And is it me, or do kids get braces earlier than we did?

Rob said...

That is cool she is embracing them. My 14 yr old has had hers for about 1.5 yrs and should be getting them off in another 2-3 months. She doesn,t mind them but is looking forward to getting them off.

Bridget said...

Such a cutie with her braces on!!

Kimmy said...

Beautiful girl, even with metal in her mouth!

Kameron said...

She's gorgeous, with and without the braces. You're lucky she's got two fiesty'll be needing them to keep the swarms of boys away!

Tim said...

Very beautiful she is. Of course with that there was NEVER any doubt.
