Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year's End...

I sat down with every intention of writing a fresh new post. My ADD kicked in, and I just spent the last two hours reading my own blog.

Doesn't get much more self-absorbed than that, does it?!?

It was actually incredible. I love having this virtual time capsule. A place to store my thoughts, whims, fears, insecurities, and adventures, as a wife, mother, and a woman.

Before I sat down, I was thinking that 2009 was a year of disappointment for me, because of the whole nursing school debacle.

However, after reading these old posts of mine, I realized that my rejection letter was just one day. One post. Out of hundreds of happy, funny, amazing moments this year...I was focusing on that one day. That one memory.

If nothing else, this blog reminds me that I'm lucky.

I love my life. Every single bit of it!

Thank you all so much, for the supportive, compassionate, challenging, and uplifting comments all along the way!

And Tucker says...



Stacey said...

Happy New Year, Nikki!

Unknown said...

O your so right! You are blessed Nikki! Happy New Year!

Kimmy said...

Awwww!! Isn't it true though?! The bad always seems to overshadow the good. I'm the same way.

Happy New Year, Nikki!!!

Bridget said...

Happy New Year!! Hope it's a great one!

Kameron said...

You are correct my dear! That was just one day out of 365. It may have sucked but I can think of about a million concerts you went to, countless hilarious conversations with your kids and lots of new awesome friends, like me! ;o)

Jackson said...

Nikki, you are VERY blessed! Your family is gorgeous and healthy and happy...AND NO ONE DESERVES IT MORE!

Rassles said...

I heart your doggie. Happy New Year.

Cat said...

Thanks for the comment! The holidays have been so busy! I don't know where I've been lately. I still read your blog on reader. Thanks for the funny insights and great blogs! This one on the New Year was inspiring for me. I wish you all the best this year!

MollyinMinn said...

So well put! Excellent way of looking at things!