Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving numbers...

- 5 day weekend

- 6 photo shoots

- 4,000 pictures taken

- 3 days spent with my brother and his family

- 30 enchiladas cooked

- 2 birthday parties with the in-laws

- 1 nasty cold

- 150 dollars saved on Black Friday

- 10 houseguests

- 2 boxes of wine

- 24 bottles of beer

- and only 25 days left until Christmas



Bridget said...

dang, that's alot of numbers! I'm jealous of the five day weekend cause it sucks that I didn't get one...but I'm okay as long as you enjoyed yours enough for me, too ;)

Stacey said...

Did you get to rest any? lol You have been one busy girl!

Kimmy said...

Geez...4,000 pictures taken?? Holy macaroni!! Sounds like you were a busy girl.

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Whoa!!! Only 30 enchiladas...I would have guessed with 2 boxes of wine there would have been about 45 or so...LOL

Helene said...

Holy moly!!! You've been one busy mama!! I could not even imagine taking 4000 pictures with my family...I think I'd wring each of their little necks!

Dawn said...

Wow...that's a lot of pictures! I think you should make your list into a song.

Anonymous said...

and a partridge in a pear tree! Miss ya. - Ern

Kameron said...

2 boxes of wine! Ha, you're so f'ing classy Nikki!! Love ya, mean it!

heidi said...

Oooh! I'm hoping that it all went ok with the family dynamics!!! Only 2 boxes of wine? It can't have been too bad. WE brought out the whiskey and the vodka just to get through ours. LOL