Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hey you...

You're not supposed to be in our bed...

Yes, YOU...

Don't look at me with those eyes...

Look how cute your nose is...

Fine, I won't tell Dad if you don't...


Scott S. said...

Ummmm. BOut time. I know your busy and all with this school shit and dont have time for us but could you possibly find time in your schedule to throw a little more on the wall.

Thanks, your readers
(or just me)

Bridget said...

Adorable! :D

Kameron said...

Such a cutie. :)

Kimmy said...

What a cutie!! Reminds me of my parent's dog, April. :o)

Ozzy likes sleeping in our bed also. However, he tends to wake me up between 6 and 6:30am to lift him up. Annoying!

Anonymous said...

Dayum, that's one cute freakin' canine!