Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Around the corner...

Here's where we are with our oldest.

He knows about sex.  Not because I told him.  Because he heard it on the streets, and he and I had a little confirmation conversation, in which he schooled me on the subject.  Or, at least, what he knew about the subject...which was pretty much everything.


He knows about homosexuality.  He knows that it's a controversial issue...and he knows that I think people are either born that way, or they're not.  He knows that he likes girls because he just does...and seems to understand that if he liked boys, instead, he wouldn't be able to control that, really.  He knows that it's not cool to tease his friends about being gay...because, what if they are?  He knows that it's a sensitive issue, and that some people believe that being gay is a choice, and that that choice will send them to hell.  He also verbalized confusion over that belief when he said, "why would someone choose to be something that people would tease them for and that would send them to hell?"

He may not know it all, but, he does know a lot!

He knows a little about the beginnings of love.  He's learning the rules...he's gathering information, and he's testing the waters.  He's learning to play the game, as evidenced by this conversation...

Him:  So, Mom...boys don't have to flirt with girls, right?

*Because, you know...the kid knows everything.  His questions are not questions, they are statements!*

Me:  Well, that's not exactly it...

Before I could stammer around any longer...

Him:  We just have to be awesome...and the girls flirt with us, right?

Unfortunately, his father overheard this treasure and solidified his ideology with a high five. This boy who's already got it figured out, is even beginning to get physical in his budding relationships.  He held hands with one of his first girlfriends, and his current girlfriend of almost two months?  Well, the other day, he kissed her on the cheek.  The best part of that that he rushed home and called me to tell me all about it.  I loved that he wanted to talk to me about it, and felt an overwhelming sense of pride.

Not pride in the fact that my boy is swapping spit with the fairer sex...just that he's growing up.  We've grown pretty comfortable in our parenting roles lately, and we are due for a new challenge.  And's the teenage years that are just around the corner, and while I'm not certain about too much of what lies thing I do know for sure, is that it most definitely will be a challenge.

Bring it...


Kimmy said...

Oh boy, I'm soooo not lookng forward to this with my baby girl. NOT. AT. ALL! I just hope that I can be a good parent and be understanding, listen good enough that "S" will want to come tome and talk about these things....and me NOT freak out!!!! lol

Scott S. said...

Damn it man, I am so not looking forward to all of this shat. So is this the same son that wanted a "I love boobies" bracelet. IF so he know he likes girls with boobies instead of flat chested girls. thats a plus, i guess

~~Mel~~ said...

Ah I'm so not ready for this stuff...but I sure do know it's coming. I think i'm safe for a couple more years...or I better be!

Adoptive Momma said...

Oh man, I was freaking out because my oldest lost his first tooth. You're in a whole other realm.

Kameron said...

And I thought navigating the toddler trenches was hard! Nate is going to be a handful at that age!