Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Breaking the ice...

You know how it is when you have that family member that you haven't talked to in forever?  When you've been meaning to call them, but, life just keeps getting in the way.  And that phone call keeps getting put off until tomorrow.  And tomorrows turn into days.  And those days, to weeks.  Then, you start feeling guilty because you haven't called in soooo long, so you put the call off even longer.  The weeks?  They quickly turn to months.  And before you know it, you haven't called that family member in forever, and you feel like the biggest dirtbag.  "And Kevin, if you feel like a dirtbag...it's probably 'cuz...YOU'RE A DIRTBAG.  Just say it...'I. Am. A. Dirtbag!'  Own it."

Well, friends, I'm a dirtbag blogger.

Consider this my phone call to break the ice, and end the silence.

"I'm good...how have YOU been?"


Jess said...

Welcome back!

Lindsey @ The Hill House said...

Welcome back! You and your tales have been missed.

Scott S. said...

I have missed you