Thursday, October 7, 2010

We pulled the trigger…

We got a new pup.  The gaping hole that was left in our lives when Tucker the Fucker ran away could only be filled by another weenie dog.  Or some sappy shit like that. 


is Joben!

The name started out as a joke.  While we were thinking of great names like Capone, Pacino, and Mugsy, we joked that we should call him Joben, from this scene in “I Love You Man.”

We laughed about it, and started calling him Jobes, Jobey, and Joben on his first day with us.  The name stuck and began to grow on us. 

Now, it’s official!  His name is Joben, and we love him! 



Kimmy said...

OMG!!! He. Is. Soooooooooo Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!

S.I.F. said...

Agggg! I know I already saw him, but... he is SO perfect! Beautiful!

I'm not even a dog person, but I love him!

Bridget said...

Too cute!!!

Kameron said...

Love that guy! He is so cute. I also like ridiculous names. :o)

Momof3inVA said...

He is too cute!!!

Anonymous said...

He is too freakin' cute!! Makes me want a TINY little pup that my kids could crush in a heartbeat instead of this big ole mongrel we got ;)

Heidi said...

A.dor.a.ble! Now you gots to change that sidebar.

Candi said...

So super precious!!! I just got a weenie mix (Cooper) and we LOVE him to pieces although the little shit likes to chew everything to pieces & I STILL can't get him to let us know when he needs to go outside, BUT other than that we LOVES HIM!! Any advice???