Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Damn it feels good…

to be a planksta!


Are you a planksta?


They come in all shapes and sizes…


There are even wannabe, gonnabe, plankstas…


But, there’s nothing like a true hard hitting O-G planksta, like this one…


So, are you?  Are you a planksta?  If so, I wanna see how planksta you really are. 


Scott S. said...

oh shit. I may be late to the game but I am so gettin in on da plankin' shiz.

And those are awesome pics

Scott S. said...

OK, so I got into the act now. Me and C3 were the only ones to do it but I put a couple pics up today, come look and tell me what ya think

Kameron said...

That is hilarious, but me thinks I am lacking the core strength to try that. I thought the point was to look dead or something. lol

theagnosticswife said...

oh my Gosh! These are freakin hilarious. Planking is so stupid, but I love it. :)