Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nip and Tuck...

So, is it considered copycatting if you design a blog for a friend, namely, a Heidi, then use some of the same design elements on your own blog??

It's totally, not, right? I didn't think so, but I didn't want Heidi to be all, "OMG have you SEEN Nikki's blog? I just had my blog redone and then saw her blog...and she totally trying to be just like me. I mean PUH-LEASE!!"

Anyway...head over to Heidi's blog and check our her new do. Then, enter in her giveaway. She's giving away gift cards to Target and Starbucks if you grab her new button.


Kameron said...

Um, I wouldn't call it copying since you did her blog. Oh and I tottally get what you were referring to about the title of her post. Tee hee. A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste. Thanks for putting yours to good use at all times!

Heidi said...

You totally copied. Geeze... get your own blog face. Thanks SO SO So much for updating my do. And I LOVE my blog post now... you made it special.

~~Mel~~ said...

Nope..I see no copycatting...none whatsoever! Your blogs look totally different!

Alicia W. said...

I'm html retarded! Really, it's bad. I have had a friend try to show me the ropes a few times and I'm all like.. *burnout voice* Do what? Yeah - I just pay to have this shit done and save myself the stress and hangover.